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Output Nodes

Output nodes represent the final steps in your data pipeline, allowing you to save your transformed data or explore it visually. These nodes help you deliver your results in the desired format or analyze them directly.

Node Details

Node Details

Write Data Write Data

The Write Data node allows you to save your processed data in different formats. It supports CSV, Excel, and Parquet, each with specific configuration options.

Supported Formats

  • CSV files (.csv)
  • Excel files (.xlsx)
  • Parquet files (.parquet)


  1. Configure the output file path.
  2. Select the file format.
  3. Set writing options (e.g., delimiter, compression).


When a CSV file is selected, the following setup options are available:

Parameter Description
Delimiter Specifies the character used to separate values (default: ,).
Encoding Defines the file encoding (default: UTF-8).
Write Mode Determines how the file is saved (overwrite, new file or append).


When an Excel file is selected, additional configurations allow customizing the output.

Parameter Description
Sheet Name Name of the sheet where data will be written (default: Sheet1).
Write Mode Determines how the file is saved (overwrite or new file).


When a Parquet file is selected, no additional setup options are required. Parquet is a columnar storage format, optimized for efficient reading and writing.

Parameter Description
Write Mode Determines how the file is saved (overwrite or new file).

General Configuration Options

Parameter Description
File Path Directory and filename for the output file.
File Format Selects the output format (CSV, Excel, Parquet).
Overwrite Mode Controls whether to replace or append data. When new file is selected it will throw an error when the file already exists

This node ensures that your transformed data is saved in the correct format, ready for further use or analysis.

Explore Data Explore Data

The Explore Data node provides interactive data exploration and analysis capabilities.